Mission Matters

Empowering Start-ups at the Intersection of Innovation and Strategic Needs

Unleashing India's Tech Potential: A Land of Opportunity and Growth

India's market holds immense potential for growth in the deep tech domain . With its rapidly advancing technology landscape and favourable demographics, the country is poised for significant expansion


India's tech sector is experiencing rapid growth, driven by innovation, digital transformation, and policy reforms.


The tech industry in India presents abundant opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs alike.

Thesis Pillars

Investing in the Future of India

Our investment thesis is focussed to nurture startups at the intersection of innovation , deep tech and India’s‘ Aatmanirbhar agenda  while solving for its strategic needs in critical domains. We invest in product and services

Address a large total addressable market

We seek out start-ups that are disrupting industries through innovative solutions and groundbreaking ideas.

Multi domain and cross industry  application

We are passionate about supporting start-ups that are harnessing deep technology to solve complex challenges and create transformative solutions.

Made in India and Made for the world

We invest in start-ups operating in strategic sectors such as Security, Defence & Aerospace, and Digital Communications.


Find answers to common questions about our investment strategy and start-up selection criteria.

What is your investment strategy?

Our investment strategy focuses on nurturing promising start-ups working at the intersection of innovation, deep technology, and India's 'Atmanirbhar' agenda. We prioritize sectors like Security, Defence & Aerospace, and Digital Communications.

How do you select start-ups?

We have a rigorous selection process that involves evaluating the start-up's potential for innovation, scalability, and alignment with our investment thesis. We also consider the team's expertise and the market demand for their product or service.

What sectors do you focus on?

We focus on sectors such as Security, Defence & Aerospace, and Digital Communications. These sectors have strategic importance and offer significant growth opportunities in India's evolving technological landscape.

What is your criteria for start-up selection?

Our criteria for start-up selection include factors like innovation, scalability, alignment with India's 'Atmanirbhar' agenda, team expertise, and market demand. We aim to support start-ups that have the potential to make a significant impact in their respective sectors.

Still have questions?

Get in touch with us.